Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Miri Trip With Iraqi.

On 16 January 2011 mark another history for Siti Payung and me especially. I received a group of guest from far away of Iraq, however this is not the first time of foreign visitor we attend to. There are also customer from Singapore and Brunei Darulsalam and also various part of Malaysia.

For your info, we also involve in tour services as part of our business. For more info you can simply contact me at 0165892384 and I can give you special price.Hehehe.Business needs to be diversified.

The special thing about this trip and others with me was photograph will be on me whereas I try to snap as much as I can for your remembrance as I know sometime you might be forgetting your camera. The service is FOC and look at these photo which I snapped.

Miri City is a lovely city with less traffic and prosper with its oil and gas industry. Consisting of 37 and more ethnic just add another varieties to this unique city. Seahorse is the mascot of Miri and can be seen everywhere here and this cute little creature is available for sale in key chain type and many more.

We headed to The Grand Old Lady where the first oil to be found by Shell company in land back dated 100 year ago. The memorial and museum will tell you more about this when you come to visit here. Spectacular view of Miri is also can be experience on this top of the hill facing the South China Sea.

After that we went to Public Park or Taman Awam in Malay language. This park has been set up by local council with the help of government as a recreational venue for Mirian. Those with little child can pamper their kids with the beautiful pool that will only open on Thursday-Sunday or can bring their kids to play. Nature lover would also like to snap the beautiful man made waterfall that flow to the pool.

The grandest of this park lies on its hanging bridge that surely will give you special moment. Be ready to feel shaking when people try to jump or swing by the strong wind.

The moment we went there rain start to fall but we managed to finish nice spot in the park including the reflexology stone. You should try this.

After that we went to Miri special market, Tamu Muhibah. This is the place you should go if you want to try jungle's food and weird food such as Red Durian ( Strong Smell ), Dabai, local snack and perhaps you want to try our special pineapple and rice here.Perhaps you should have something to be brought home here.

After spending about 30 minutes here we went to our last stop at Miri Marina Bay. This is a reclaimable land at sea where soon to be a multi bilion project. Many development is already plan to make this piece land into tourist attraction. 

Here is the best place for you to see the sun set dusk down. Miri Marina Restaurant is also a nice place to bring your friend family for dinner, but bear in mind the cost.You should expected a windy situation in the evening here but the cool breeze is really nice.

The best part of Miri is not only that, Nightlife is also happening with many nice club and crowded people. 

You should try local cuisine such as Mee Kolok, Laksa Sarawak and maybe Ulat Mulong. Yummy..wekk..

You should also go to Crocodile Farm and maybe to Niah or Mulu Caves.

Enjoy your trip and have a safe journey.

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